Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This weekend Charles P. RogersNew York City based bed manufacturer, opened their showroom full of beautiful beds to Writopia Lab, a non-profit organization based in NYC that focuses on developing creative writing skills for youth ages 8-18. Charles P. Rogers, took an active role in National Poetry month hosting their second workshop in conjunction with Writopia Ready.Set.Write: The Poetry Edition.   The event was an opportunity for young writers to work closely under the guidance of trained poetry authors and Writopia mentors to explore poetry as a form of self-expression and share their work with an audience.

Here is an amazing piece of poetry we would like to share. Enjoy:

The Ways of Bed
Eleanor Harrison
As soft as a lamb’s gentle fur,
As lovely as the grass sprinkled with dew from
Last night’s rain,
Warm with sunshine
And strong from the rays
Of the rainbow
Created from
The rain’s dreary sleepiness
And the sunlight’s hopeful awakening,
As thrilling as a ride on the wings of a bird,
The hopeful mourning-dove,
As relaxing as an evening
In the moonlight while the sounds of the birds
Calling swiftly
Above your head
A delightful sound
That one cannot see, only can hear the pretty sounds
Far above,
Is a bed,
Its soft canopy of sheets and layers
Spread out across it;
Awaiting a weary being
To come and lay on it
Tempted by its everlasting gentleness
Its loveliness hidden underneath the covers,
Its thrillingness that lies within its pillows,
Its sense of relaxation
That it adds onto the
Layers of blankets and quilts,
And tucks the being into,
And with a final glance
At all the world around it,
The being falls into a
Silent stillness of a
Dream-filled sleep,
Until finally
The folds of the bed sheets
Heat with sunshine
A lamb runs by with its gentle fur,
The grass is strong
From a rainbow,
A mourning-dove glides
Softly across the sky,
The calls of the night birds
Come back in memory,
And the refreshed being
Awakens once more
Into the daylight.