Monday, May 14, 2012

What Unites US

This week, hundreds in the interior design industry will gather together at the Alpha Awards. This annual event honors an individual (or company) in the industry that has continuously given support to Alpha Workshops, an amazing organization that is "dedicated to creating beauty and changing providing creative HIV-positive individuals with industry-specific training and employment in the decorative arts." This inspiring organization shows us what a difference dedicated individuals united together for one purpose can achieve. If you were to watch the cable news shows or listen to the politicians, it would appear that our country, that are world is polarized beyond repair. You might believe that all hope is lost when it comes to making lives and the world better. But we chose to hang on to hope. We chose to believe that with organizations like Alpha Workshops out there doing good work and bettering people's lives, hope will never be lost. We chose to believe, not in the fractured society that reality television and the news purports, but in the power of human beings, in their capacity to give selflessly and compassionately even when it gets hard. So we raise our proverbial glasses to Ken Wampler and Alpha Workshops!