Thursday, November 1, 2012

Random Acts and Small Boxes

   The best gifts come in the smallest boxes. When this photo came across  a personal web page, we were reminded of all the beautiful gifts in tiny boxes we've received throughout our lives.. Evidently, we are not alone it's been shared 14,294 times as of 1:45pm today.  Our eyes immediately went to the two power strips charging the phones of ten different people. Perhaps they are neighbors, coworkers or maybe even complete strangers but each have been touched by this act of random kindness.

      We then pondered the possible numbers of people this one thoughtful gesture could effectively impact. We decided to act on the assumption that most of us own some version of a Smartphone, wonderful inventions with a short battery life.  Given this information, if each phone was plugged in for 30 minutes, this one random act could connect up to 480 neighbors, coworkers and strangers per day  to the world of information they lost as a result of Oct. 29th's devastation. If the power remains out for four more days (we picked this number from a Google search), 1920  people will have a reason to stop back by this place and thank someone for their help. They will have stood together and talked  offering comfort to each other in their time of loss. We can pretty much guarantee, they will remember this spot for a long time to come, passing by it once life is back to normal and thinking to themselves, "I remember that time in Oct 2012..when the storm hit...and everything was ruined...," you get the picture. They may even come away with lasting relationships or perhaps two people will meet and fall in love, we can't think of anything better than that.

    Years from now when we've healed from the horrors of this tragic storm, let's try to remember this picture and what it stands for, and that the best things in life really do come in the smallest boxes.

Visit Know Your Cell for information on extending the battery life of your SmartPhone

WikiHow has some good information as well.