Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Public Relations at Its Finest

We love a good sense of humor and we think it goes without saying that Jon Stewart and his "Daily Show" team have one. But one of the recent clips from Stewart's "news" program made a very good PR point. In the highly entertaining rant regarding Obama's healthcare plan and his communication thereof, Stewart points out that Obama's team hasn't remained consistent in the message. Regardless of your stance on Obama, the healthcare plans and proposals or what's gone on at these town hall meetings, the point is a good one that can be carried into the private sector.

Any good PR campaign must be consistent. Sure you'd think this was obvious; we did. Yet we're sitting here watching some of the top campaigners in the country botch this. As a brand (public, private, product or person), you cannot be all things to all people. You can't focus on everyone "liking" you. Messages must focus on their target, be crafted in a way that speaks directly and compellingly to that audience and do not verge from that path. Once there is a pull back, the message gets lost in the inconsistency.

Check out the segment.

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