Monday, July 30, 2012

Corgis Take Gold at Opening Ceremony

We, like many, have been keeping up with the Olympics over the past few days. However, in spite of appearances by the Queen, David Beckham, Daniel Craig, and plenty of US gold medals, we are still swept away by one thing: those adorable royal Corgis! We know they were already famous, but their part in the witty London 2012 Opening Ceremonies skit just reminded us what cute, happy dogs they are.

Many people also associate the Corgis with the Queen - and it's for a good reason. Since her father, King George VI, brought home her first Corgi in 1933, the Queen has owned at least three at a time.
Buzzfeed posted this picture of the young queen, her mother, and two of her beloved corgis.
As often as her busy schedule allows, the Queen cares for her (somewhat spoiled) Corgis herself, like she was in this picture.

The Queen now owns seven dogs: three Corgis and four "Dorgis" - a mix between a Corgi and a Dachshund. They travel around the world with her and are often viewed as a symbol of the royal family.

We think it's safe to say that these perky royal pups stole the show at the Opening Ceremony. How can you take your eyes off a face like this!?

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