Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Last night, rain and wind pounded the eastern United States causing devastating damage to neighborhoods, cities, and entire states. As hurricane Sandy came down hard over the east coast, it has quickly become a difficult time to keep spirits up. While our hearts and minds are usually focused on finding out the newest trends in furniture and fashion, today we are thinking about all who are suffering from the damages of Hurricane Sandy. As so many people find themselves without power and with unimaginable damage, we have come across some amazing stories of how much good there is in the world and how during a time of such devastation, sometimes all we can do is come together. 

Millions still go powerless and as people have found themselves with no means of transportation due to the flooded streets, neighbors and designated rescue teams are doing their best to save people from being hurt and their precious belongings from being ruined. In multiple locations, rowboats act as the amazing vehicle which has made this possible. Neighborhoods have come together to move furniture to higher levels to reduce damages and to make sure their fellow neighbors are safe. Schools and community centers have opened their doors as shelters for Sandy’s victims and money and food donations continue to roll in as the day moves forward. 

As so many of us have been focused on the Presidential debate, both candidates have brought their campaigning to a halt to provide a dedicated effort to helping the people affected by the incredible storm. The National Guard came to assist local first responders in the affected states while they planned and executed rescue and relief efforts. A free Red Cross Hurricane App is available that provides information about how to plan ahead, what to do during and after, where to find shelter, and how to let your friends and family know you’re safe.

Although it’s unfortunate, sometimes these terrible circumstances really do bring out the good in people. Remembering that a simple smile can bring joy to someone’s bad day, we must look for ways to help each other recover from such devastation. 

For donation services and other ways you can directly help, look into the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Feeding America, and AmeriCares. Keep an eye out for other options in your local area. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice article! Good to know about all these resources.
