Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Get Over Yourself.

Okay, we operate in the fashion world. Our business is all about lifestyle...what's new, what's now, what's done and how to make our clients fit into the relevancy of it all. So we recognize that sometimes fashion designers take risks on the runway in order to create a buzz, push the envelope, make the fashion world think even further outside the box, blah, blah, blah. So there we were flipping through a recent issue of WWD, taking in the normal eccentricities and our chins nearly fell to the floor. The issue reviewed the Fall Fashions for men introduced at Milan's Fashion Week. Upon seeing the latest from a designer who shall remain nameless, "WTF" was shouted from every voice in our office.

Now, we're all for displaying inspirations from various cultures in the world; designs should not stick solely to the mores of the Western World. Having said that, the model, replete with thick "Arabian Nights" make-up, donned a turban. Okay. Non-issue. But the turban was in fact a white button down wrapped sloppily on the model's head and secured with a belt. Pardon me, but that's not fashion, that's called laundry. What? Did the designer's team forget the actual turban piece and send the intern home to raid a hamper? "I couldn't find a towel, but I did manage to find my shirt from last night...I think it has some dried vomit on it as a result from the after-party, but no one will see it if we wrap this belt around it."

Come on. Just because you're fabulous, a fashion icon, doesn't mean everything you touch can be considered flawless and inspired. It's slightly reminiscent of the fable "The Emperor's New Clothes". No matter how much the king and his minions told people he was dressed in the finest frock available, the reality was he was still naked. No matter how much someone tells us this "turban" is inspired, I'm's still just laundry piled on top of a man's head. Come on, get over yourself.

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