Monday, July 20, 2009

Some Hiring Insight

With the current economic climate, many publications are offering interview advice from HR experts and employers to their job-hunting readers. Definitely helpful, much more productive than the constant "we're up a creek and there is no sign of a paddle" pessimism that is oozing from the pores of many a news agency (watch Mark Haines from CNBC if you don't believe us - he's a nice guy, appears to be funny, but a little hope might be nice).

First, thanks reporters for providing some assistance to our fellow man. There are a lot of great candidates out there who just need a foot in the door. Second, we happened to participate in a couple of interviews on the topic and thought, for any individuals interested, it might be useful. Granted, not all employers operate with the same philosophy, look for the same interviewing skills or hope for the same type of cover letter; our opinion is just that, an opinion. So take it for what it's worth. And Good Luck!

Reuters: "Help Wanted: Recruiting on Craigslist" by Deborah Cohen

CNN (via "How to answer: Why Should I Hire You?" by Anthony Balderrama

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