Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Words Matter

In my expected normal morning newsfeeds, I happened to read an article title that read, "Lena Dunham Wages War with Gawker". New "It" girl Lena Dunham, creator and star of Girls, is going after Gawker armed...with attorneys...for copyright violations.  It's not the article with which I take issue.  It is the use of the word War in the title.

As we are in the business of communication, making words the focale point of what we do, that got me to thinking...

Yesterday, I was listening to the radio and heard it again.  One of the guests indicated that he felt there was a "War on Christmas" because when he was putting a donation in a Salvation Army bucket on two separate occasions, both bell ringers wished him "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" because, as the commentator described, they didn't want to offend him.  I get it, he wants people who feel inclined to say "Merry Christmas" to be able to do so without feeling guilty for their lack of political correctness.  But last time I looked, there are still mall Santas, stores are festooned in their red and green finery and my neighborhood illuminates every night with glowing snowmen and nativity scenes.  And any time of day, head to the Hallmark Channel or ABC Family and you'll get your fill of Christmas movies.  If you want to have an argument about the over commercialization of Christmas or that's it's losing its Christian meaning, fine, but this is not a war.

This past election season was rife with several shockingly short sighted comments by some male candidates about women and their bodies.  As a woman and a mother of a young daughter, the discussions that at times felt even flippant about rape or the debate over a woman's access to birth control infuriated me.  More than that, it sometimes scared me that there was a group of people wanting us to move backwards in equality, not forwards.  But to codify those destructive, toxic words as a "War on Women" caused concern too.  I don't want anyone telling my husband and I what we may do by way of family planning, that's our business alone.  However, by living in this country, as a woman, I am able to own a business, expect equal partnership from my husband in the raising of our daughter as well as the housework and speak my opinion freely.  I'm not forbidden to drive, vote or show my face.  This is not war.

There are men and women who are at war.  They are living 24 hours in a war zone where they know that at any point while going out on patrol, they could be ambushed and shot dead.  They could be blown to bits by a suicide bomber.  Or drive by an IED and return home to their families, with brain damage or lost limbs, having their lives and their families' lives inextricably changed.  That is war.

For some reason, this very real loss of life is glorified in video games we give our kids for Christmas, but we don't show it on the news giving it proper context and gravitas. We don't talk about how awful and tragic war is. We use it as a headline.

Whether or not you believe it is a necessary means when dealing with a vicious tyrant  killing innocent people, anyway you slice it actual war is terrifying, violent and permanent.  There is no restart button.

We have gotten loose with our language. Gunmen are showing up, military style, to malls, movie theaters, schools and places of business to "play" at war.  The profile of a young man in his late teens or early twenties with an arsenal strapped to his back and a frightening willingness to die has become predictable.  I'm not saying there aren't a lot of things factoring into these predators making the grotesque choice to "hunt" innocent people.

What I am saying is that over time, the mis-use of words, desensitizes us to their severity.  Lena Dunham isn't waging war, she's standing up for herself.  Christmas is not having bombs hurdled at it, we are merely becoming a more diverse nation with varying beliefs that comes with a growing population in a free society.  This country is at war, but not with it's female population.  That war is being fought by a small percentage of our population in a far away country so that we can freely celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwana or nothing however we choose.

As we throw our language out into the digital sphere this holiday, let's consider what we're really saying.  Let's challenge our talking heads to do the same.  Words matter.  Let's decide in the coming year to act like it.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Random Acts and Small Boxes

   The best gifts come in the smallest boxes. When this photo came across  a personal web page, we were reminded of all the beautiful gifts in tiny boxes we've received throughout our lives.. Evidently, we are not alone it's been shared 14,294 times as of 1:45pm today.  Our eyes immediately went to the two power strips charging the phones of ten different people. Perhaps they are neighbors, coworkers or maybe even complete strangers but each have been touched by this act of random kindness.

      We then pondered the possible numbers of people this one thoughtful gesture could effectively impact. We decided to act on the assumption that most of us own some version of a Smartphone, wonderful inventions with a short battery life.  Given this information, if each phone was plugged in for 30 minutes, this one random act could connect up to 480 neighbors, coworkers and strangers per day  to the world of information they lost as a result of Oct. 29th's devastation. If the power remains out for four more days (we picked this number from a Google search), 1920  people will have a reason to stop back by this place and thank someone for their help. They will have stood together and talked  offering comfort to each other in their time of loss. We can pretty much guarantee, they will remember this spot for a long time to come, passing by it once life is back to normal and thinking to themselves, "I remember that time in Oct 2012..when the storm hit...and everything was ruined...," you get the picture. They may even come away with lasting relationships or perhaps two people will meet and fall in love, we can't think of anything better than that.

    Years from now when we've healed from the horrors of this tragic storm, let's try to remember this picture and what it stands for, and that the best things in life really do come in the smallest boxes.

Visit Know Your Cell for information on extending the battery life of your SmartPhone

WikiHow has some good information as well.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Last night, rain and wind pounded the eastern United States causing devastating damage to neighborhoods, cities, and entire states. As hurricane Sandy came down hard over the east coast, it has quickly become a difficult time to keep spirits up. While our hearts and minds are usually focused on finding out the newest trends in furniture and fashion, today we are thinking about all who are suffering from the damages of Hurricane Sandy. As so many people find themselves without power and with unimaginable damage, we have come across some amazing stories of how much good there is in the world and how during a time of such devastation, sometimes all we can do is come together. 

Millions still go powerless and as people have found themselves with no means of transportation due to the flooded streets, neighbors and designated rescue teams are doing their best to save people from being hurt and their precious belongings from being ruined. In multiple locations, rowboats act as the amazing vehicle which has made this possible. Neighborhoods have come together to move furniture to higher levels to reduce damages and to make sure their fellow neighbors are safe. Schools and community centers have opened their doors as shelters for Sandy’s victims and money and food donations continue to roll in as the day moves forward. 

As so many of us have been focused on the Presidential debate, both candidates have brought their campaigning to a halt to provide a dedicated effort to helping the people affected by the incredible storm. The National Guard came to assist local first responders in the affected states while they planned and executed rescue and relief efforts. A free Red Cross Hurricane App is available that provides information about how to plan ahead, what to do during and after, where to find shelter, and how to let your friends and family know you’re safe.

Although it’s unfortunate, sometimes these terrible circumstances really do bring out the good in people. Remembering that a simple smile can bring joy to someone’s bad day, we must look for ways to help each other recover from such devastation. 

For donation services and other ways you can directly help, look into the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Feeding America, and AmeriCares. Keep an eye out for other options in your local area. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fluffing the Empty Nest

Throughout the last few months, thousands of young men and women have left for college to start the next phase of their lives. Mothers and fathers across the country have waved goodbye to their kids and are now looking forward to a new chapter of their own. The family home now has an empty room to fill, and parents who dream of that organized office or welcoming guest room finally have a chance to make that dream come true. The “empty nest” allows parents to reclaim their homes and create useful spaces with these newly vacated rooms.

The home office is a smart way to use this space. Create a chic and inviting workspace by blending pieces like a Parsons Desk and an office chair custom upholstered in fabric from JAB Anstoetz with a cozy daybed, such as the Solide/Poole Daybed from Charles P. Rogers.  The bed offers a classically styled sitting area and also provides comfortable sleeping space for overnight guests. Add a colorful dhurrie rug and a statement lamp, and the home office is complete.

 According to the September issue of House Beautiful, blue is the favorite color for bedrooms. A guest room offers a fresh opportunity to play with different styles while creating a sanctuary for family and friends. Consider a Weitzner Limited wall covering to accent one wall paired with a soothing blue from Benjamin Moore paint on the remaining walls; add a neutral platform bed, such as the Charles P. Rogers Pavilion Linen Bed, to anchor the space. From there, add texture with a stunning Flokati rug that your guests will love to have underfoot! Quality linens, such as crisp white organic sheets and a custom duvet from JAB Anstoetz’s Soleil Bleu Fall Collection are the key finishing touches to the room.

 Have you dreamed of having that special place for all your crafting projects? How about that gaming room for boy’s night in? Take the time to clear the clutter from the kitchen table and design your own private art studio. Mix and match your options, four drawer storage or console storage one or both will help you keep all your supplies out of sight while lending a chic urban feel to your new room. A gaming table may be just the touch you need to reclaim your new adult space! Divide your room with an understated screen , employ a versatile Campaign Daybed from Charles P. Rogers and instantly you've created the perfect afternoon retreat.
 Don’t forget the details, whether you looking for an edgy modern mood or a more classic finish to your space, Samuel and Sons custom trimmed accessories are a great place to let your imagination roam.

 While the “empty nest” phase of life can offer an emotional challenge, refreshing an empty space can provide an opportunity for parents to rediscover themselves. You could even use your space to catch up on your reading Oprah's website  has some great  advice to help you understand,  "The End of The Empty Nest Syndrome" .

 Whatever your choices remember,  you’ve done a great job of raising your family and now your life is  your own, so express your style and enjoy your freedom  this is your time!

Monday, October 22, 2012

     We love to travel; and the thought of a fall vacation spent at a private Tuscan retreat sounds like the perfect way to relax before the hustle of the Holiday season.  We also understand that due to the current economic conditions many of us are choosing to spend more time at home. But there’s no reason to sacrifice the feeling of relaxation a European escape brings.  You can recreate the escape of a classic Italian garden waiting just behind the next cast iron gate each time you retreat to your bedroom. Given a little thought, it’s easier than you think to capture the style of Europe right in your own bedroom; you’ll visit Italy, Spain or France every night of the week. 

The Charles P. Rogers’ Florentine Canopy Bed is reminiscent of the Italian ironwork found in the villas of Tuscany as illustrated in the 15th century, historic vacation home, “Villa Le Rose”.  Add a custom duvet cover or window treatments in Jab Anstoetz’s Soleil Bleu Claire design from the Provence collection for unmistakable European flavor. Step from your bed each morning onto the luxurious feel of a Stark carpet from their European Designed rug line and experience the unmatched quality of true indulgence.  If you’re opting for the perfect finishing touch, Benjamin Moore’s, Historic color paint collection offers you all the choices you need to design your own peacefully lavish bedroom.

   The Charles P. Rogers Alexandria Canopy Bed, an authentic 19th century European canopy bed cast in solid brass, is another superb choice for the bedroom of the travel-loving designer who wants to pass through Europe each and every day. Paired with  European linens woven from premium quality yarns,  you’ll vacation every night.

   Are you a hopeless romantic longing to recreate the ville de l'amour in your home? Look no further than the Iron-brass sleigh bed from Charles P. Rogers to add the perfect Pièce de résistance to your bedroom. The hand cast decorative accents and custom antique finish are something right out of a French cottage. Pair with a custom duvet cover from Jab Anstoetz's Chivasso  Emperor's Garden   fabric from the Whispers collection or the Palmette wallcovering from the Weitzner Limited Enduit Collection and you'll be sleeping right in the heart of Paris.

   Or maybe you’re more interested in incorporating the essence of the Dutch Countryside into your home. With the Normandie Daybed, you can bring functionality and a sleek design with lines akin to Mondrian and apply Dutch design ideas with understated wood. Made from plantation Mahogany, the beautiful hand stained wood is left simple and functional to make a statement. Try a custom window treatment with Pollack’s Aura fabric to add personality and keep your Dutch retreat all to yourself!
   If you are unsure of how to display your treasured mementoes or hate to part with an uncertain accessory, visit Apartment Therapy’s Eclectic Decorator Blog for just the right tips!  

     Be sure to check back often at for all the best in design advice and industry news.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Corgis Take Gold at Opening Ceremony

We, like many, have been keeping up with the Olympics over the past few days. However, in spite of appearances by the Queen, David Beckham, Daniel Craig, and plenty of US gold medals, we are still swept away by one thing: those adorable royal Corgis! We know they were already famous, but their part in the witty London 2012 Opening Ceremonies skit just reminded us what cute, happy dogs they are.

Many people also associate the Corgis with the Queen - and it's for a good reason. Since her father, King George VI, brought home her first Corgi in 1933, the Queen has owned at least three at a time.
Buzzfeed posted this picture of the young queen, her mother, and two of her beloved corgis.
As often as her busy schedule allows, the Queen cares for her (somewhat spoiled) Corgis herself, like she was in this picture.

The Queen now owns seven dogs: three Corgis and four "Dorgis" - a mix between a Corgi and a Dachshund. They travel around the world with her and are often viewed as a symbol of the royal family.

We think it's safe to say that these perky royal pups stole the show at the Opening Ceremony. How can you take your eyes off a face like this!?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's so Easy to be Mint Green...

Summer has, in our opinion, always been the best season, but this summer was especially exciting for us because mint green has become the official "it" color. Why is it so thrilling for us? Let us count the ways...
First, green has been our favorite color for years, and now we have an excuse to surround ourselves with it! But even if mint green hasn't been on your radar until now it would be hard not to jump on the bandwagon. There are so many adorable way to go mint green this summer. For instance, super stylish mint green denim has been seen everywhere from the runway to Jessica Alba. I like this pair from J. Crew.

Don't know what to wear with colored jeans? Here's some inspiration! Wear with white for a clean summer look as Megan blogged about in Nestled or pair with even more mint green for a more fashion forward monochrome look like the Fashion Over Reason blog suggests.

China Glaze also has mint green nail polish out, which is great for that monochrome look or for just a pop of the trend if you're not ready to invest in a pair of green jeans. As much as we love mint green jeans and nail polish, we think we love this mint green watch from Anthropology even more. Its bright hue provides just the right amount of color to complement any outfit.
Luckily, this cool, calming color has also made its way into interior design as well as fashion. Better Homes and Gardens has featured two different mint green kitchens. Which one do you like best, the Coastal Cottage (left) or the Mint Green Backsplash (right)?
Charles P. Rogers released a set of gorgeous mint green sheets. Can you imagine waking up between two layers of fresh,clean mint green?

Even high-end, to the trade companies are loving elegant versions of the mint green trend. JAB Anstoetz is carrying on the trend into their fall line with luxurious fabrics like Florence and Floral Garden. With so many choices there are plenty of ways to work this lovely trend into your life!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Magic Carpets

It's finally summer - the time of year when we all want to get away from the everyday routine, go on vacation, and spice things up a little bit. However, if a vacation isn't in the the cards for you this summer, HGTV is showcasing several different ways to brighten your mood with a seemingly small change to your home that will make a noticeable impact. Jaiper Rugs partnered with Coastal Living to produce a line of rugs designed to bring the beach to you. This rug was featured in today's post on the HGTV blog. It's just like looking out of a glass-bottomed boat at the ocean floor, except more adorable and from the comfort of your own home.

This month's Lonny Magazine features HGTV star Genevieve Gorder's release of her second set of rugs in collaboration with Capel Rugs (for sale at Her designs are perfect for a touch of something new in your home this summer. They're colorful, and the patterns are stunning - bold and completely on-trend without being overwhelming. These rugs will brighten up a room in a second, giving you the feeling of change without doing something drastic. And if you can't get to the beach and wiggle your toes in the sand, then what better way to pamper your feet with than the comfort of a new, soft rug?

Monday, May 14, 2012

What Unites US

This week, hundreds in the interior design industry will gather together at the Alpha Awards. This annual event honors an individual (or company) in the industry that has continuously given support to Alpha Workshops, an amazing organization that is "dedicated to creating beauty and changing providing creative HIV-positive individuals with industry-specific training and employment in the decorative arts." This inspiring organization shows us what a difference dedicated individuals united together for one purpose can achieve. If you were to watch the cable news shows or listen to the politicians, it would appear that our country, that are world is polarized beyond repair. You might believe that all hope is lost when it comes to making lives and the world better. But we chose to hang on to hope. We chose to believe that with organizations like Alpha Workshops out there doing good work and bettering people's lives, hope will never be lost. We chose to believe, not in the fractured society that reality television and the news purports, but in the power of human beings, in their capacity to give selflessly and compassionately even when it gets hard. So we raise our proverbial glasses to Ken Wampler and Alpha Workshops!